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  • Writer's pictureColleen Holland

Monkeys are bananas - part III

When we got to the restaurant, we chose a seat in the front corner so we could look at the beach while we ate. And, then, I spotted a monkey creeping into the restaurant via the roof. I called the waiter over and then we all picked up our things and stood in the middle of the restaurant. I said “MONKEY” and pointed. He was very professional and said “oh, it’s no problem sit down” but his eyes were accentuated by the Coronavirus mask and I saw the fear.

So, we sat down and then he RAN to get a sling shot. He never shot him (just like the other hotel employees) but he pretended to. Which seemed to be enough. However, we were on high monkey alert and would alert the staff every time the monkeys came back. They’d run over and pretend to shoot them with a sling shot or pretend to shoot them without the sling shot. If I’d have known that I didn’t need to put myself in danger by using a stick the monkey could easily climb up and just needed to pretend to sling shot, that would have been my move the day before on the beach.

As we were leaving the restaurant, we showed them pics of the beach the day before. He was like “OMG, THOSE ARE THE SUPER DANGEREOUS EAT YOUR FACE OFF MONKEYS!!! THE ONES TODAY ARE NICE”(that’s what is sounded like to me). And, so, I’m glad I never listened to the lunatic who told me to hit the monkey.

We told him our room number and, as suspected, our room is infested with a monkey troop.

He laughed SO HARD when we told him that was our room after our expert monkey skills kept the other patrons safe. We awarded ourselves with expert monkey spotting skilled guests of the week.

And, I’ll be fine with never seeing a monkey again.

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