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  • Writer's pictureColleen Holland

These kids...

I can’t post pictures anymore of the kids I teach due to school policies. This has prohibited me from writing about them for nearly 2 years because it’s just not as interesting without pictures.

But with this weird school year wrapping up. And, since I am changing schools next year so I, likely, won’t see these amazing kids again. I thought I’d try. Without pics, to capture them.

On why we have to go to school on Saturdays for the last 6 weeks of school...

Holding arms out wide “But when do they...” stops and smiles big at me.

“Go ahead when do they what...?” I urged

“When do they expect us to just lay around?”

Great question, kid.

On why they don’t wear seatbelts in the car, even though they know they should...

“My dad is a very good driver. He drives fast but he still drives good.”

When they call me something like “Mr. Potatohead” and I won’t answer until they call me my name or Ms Princess (and, I only answer to this because I know it’s the highest form of a compliment)...

“We know you wear princess dresses at home.”

“Exactly. Why don’t I wear them at school?”

“Because you wear your teacher clothes at school and don’t want to get glue or paint on your princess dress.”

My princess dress looks like old tank tops and yoga pants.

On Friday’s and (for now) Saturday’s I go to lunch with some of the the other teachers to help get us through the week...their teacher from last year is among them...


“Are you going to Ms. Hayley’s house?”

“Why are you going out with Ms. Hayley AGAIN?”

“Do you have to eat lunch every day?”

“But, what time will you come back?”

Phrases I wished they didn’t hear me say and repeat...

“Awww, come on, man.”

“What did you say to me?”

“Hey ay ay ay ay ay. What is going on here?”

Phrases I’m happy to hear them repeat...

We should NOT have sugar before nap.”

“You have to pick between the two treats because you can’t have too much sugar. It’s not healthy.”

My stories with re-enactments.

My ridiculous songs, especially the bathroom line song...when I’m outside but they don’t know I’m listening.To the tune roll over...

There were...1, 2, 3, 4 in the line and Ms Colleen said move over, move they all moved over and Gia Han came out and An Nhien went in...

There were...1, 2, 3 in the line and Ms. Colleen get the idea.

On why this student was going on holiday with her grandma alone and her baby brother wasn’t coming...

“Well, my grandma doesn’t like him every much...”

There are so many more. These are just since we came back. And, I’m so happy I’ve gotten this time with them. And, I totally feel for the teachers that didn’t.

It’s been a strange year and I can’t believe it’s almost over.

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